Care Radio Australia (CRA) is an internet radio station created by Ross Hood (pictured right) in 2000 with the sole purpose of raising funds for people in needs of assistance and giving back to the community the gift of caring through the medium of radio.
CRA is a keen supporter of humanitarian causes and charities that benefit people with disabilities.
As well as being a champion for all people in need, Ross is also a mad keen Rock and Roll dancer and a passionate music fan, a gift given to him by his late Mother who was a well known local singing identity.
CRA is now on a journey to become a fully fledged internet radio station whose main goal is to become a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week voice for the community.
As with any community based organisation such as ours, for our goals to become a reality we need your support either as an individual by becoming a member/subscriber or, as a business through corporate sponsorship.
All monies raised through our various initiatives are raised for South Australians, by South Australians and with all funds staying in South Australia.
You can be rest assured that by supporting us means you are also supporting your community.
If you have any questions about CRA please feel free to contact us.
Help us to help you… Support Care Radio Australia